Monday, April 26, 2010

It's about time.

I've always struggled with how to keep track of what I've read. Not just titles and authors, but also basic plot, whether or not I enjoyed it, what I took away from it, etc. Friends and family often ask me about what I'm reading and it usually takes me a long and awkward "Uhh ...." moment before I can come with a title. And an explanation about why I liked the book? Even more hemming and hawing. I've tried plain and fancy readers' journals, but those didn't seem to do it for me. But now that I've become so disciplined with keeping track of my food intake, I'm certain I can do the same with my literary adventures.

I go through reading spurts. One month I'll be reading three or four books at once, others will pass with nary a page turned. Knowing that, I don't expect to update this blog daily or even weekly. It will likely turn into a twice or thrice a month effort. But at least at the end of the year, I'll be able to look back and see what I've my precious time reading.


  1. Fun! Can't wait for recommendations.

  2. So, what are you reading these days?

  3. I know, I know! I need to start blogging here, Tonight's the night...
